





Process Paper



The First Impacts

 First impacts where slow to come with minimal media press and popularity but one newly made company named Sony saw potential in the transistor. They made the first wildly used transistor radio and were first to manufacture transistors for a product. It would take 20 years until the first personal computer would be created. After that throughout the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s technology exploded with innovation as the transistor go smaller tech got smaller leading into the Information Age.

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Indirect Impacts

Some impacts were not based on the usage of the transistor but those who deserted the team who made it. The eight people who left the team would go on to create or join companies that are now very large and popular due to the sucess of the transisitor such as Intel, and Texas Instruments. Both these companies make millions of products that use transistors daily. These companies also laid the foundations for Silicon Valley which today many large tech based companies such as Apple, Google, and Facebook have headquarters in. Coincidently silicon is widely used in modern computers and transistors.

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Future Impacts

Today there are millions of transistors in a single computer chip. Computers are much faster then previously thought they could be. Computers are also very small so small they can fit in your pocket. Theoretically transistors could get smaller they could get as small as a atom as long as they could fit a electron through them it would work. Even if we can’t get them smaller we are still very advanced. Who knows what we can do with the technology we have in the future but we can thank one man for helping to break the size and speed barrier of the transistor John Bardeen. He died in early 1991 but his contributions to computers and electrical engineering will be remembered for generations.

​  “Science is a field which grows continuously with ever expanding frontiers. Further, it is truly international scope. Any particular advance has been preceded by the contributions of those from many lands who have set firm foundations for further developments.” - John Bardeen